this 'n that™

Monday, May 30, 2005

Evening Langar – 29/05/05

It was the Langar yesterday, everything went really well and we all had a good time (in between all the running around and madness!).

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Grandad

These are some pictures of my grandad, Bhai Karam Singh Ji (on the right in both pictures) that I've recently come across. Found them in a old photo album at my Phua's house in Leeds.

Its nice to have some pictures as I'd not seen much of them as they passed away when I was young and I don't remember much from my early days.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I have found peace

Monday, May 23, 2005

Priceless Jewels

eik fikaa n gaalaae sabhanaa mai sachaa dhhanee
Do not utter even a single harsh word; your True Lord and Master abides in all.

hiaao n kaihee t(h)aahi maanak sabh amolavae 129
Do not break anyone's heart; these are all priceless jewels. 129

This Shabad is by Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji in Salok Fareed Jee on Pannaa 1384

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Charan Kamal

A friend made this poster based on a Tuk written by by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 375,

charan kamal ridh a(n)thar dhhaarae
One who enshrines His Lotus Feet within the heart,

pragattee joth milae raam piaarae 2
meets the Beloved Lord; the Divine Light is revealed to him. 2

A lotus flower.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Maybe next time..

Why is it that when you look forward to something it either doesn’t happen or it turns out to be a total waste of time?

Whenever I genuinely look forward to something, something has to go wrong with it.. I did start to pretend to not look forward to stuff just so the event wouldn’t get wrecked but then ‘cause I do look forward to it deep down that kind of never worked :s

There’s no real point to this little write up, just a few thoughts about things not working out..

Oh well, maybe next time eh..

Monday, May 16, 2005

Leeds - Chunni/Karmai

Went up to Leeds last weekend as a cousin is getting married later on in the year and it was the Karmai and Chunni thing that weekend.

Had a really good time there and the accent up north is wicked!

You are always with me.

Friday, May 13, 2005

True, True, True is God

sath sath sath prabh suaamee
True, True, True is God, our Lord and Master.

gur parasaadh kinai vakhiaanee
By Guru's Grace, some speak of Him.

sach sach sach sabh keenaa
True, True, True is the Creator of all.

kott madhhae kinai biralai cheenaa
Out of millions, scarcely anyone knows Him.

bhalaa bhalaa bhalaa thaeraa roop
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful is Your Sublime Form.

ath su(n)dhar apaar anoop
You are Exquisitely Beautiful, Infinite and Incomparable.

niramal niramal niramal thaeree baanee
Pure, Pure, Pure is the Word of Your Bani,

ghatt ghatt sunee sravan bakhyaanee
heard in each and every heart, spoken to the ears.

pavithr pavithr pavithr puneeth
Holy, Holy, Holy and Sublimely Pure

naam japai naanak man preeth 812
- chant the Naam, O Nanak, with heart-felt love. 812

Thursday, May 12, 2005



Monday, May 09, 2005

What is it I am yearning?

My world is good but why is there this underlying feeling?
Its as though something is missing but what is it I am yearning?
You have given me everything, all that I could want here on earth..
But when will You bless me with the vision for which I search..

Saturday, May 07, 2005

New Shastar

I recently got this Shastar as a present from someone who is not only a really good friend but also like a brother to me :-)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

ourai kashhoo n kinehoo keeaa ||

ourai kashhoo n kinehoo keeaa
In this world, no one accomplishes anything by himself.

naanak sabh kashh prabh thae hooaa 51
O Nanak, everything is done by God. 51

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Just be carefree

It always work out, the way it’s meant to be…
There’s no point in worrying, just relax and you will see…
He is always watching, taking care of all
Just be carefree and wonder… There’s no way He will let you fall…

15/06/2004 - 23:13

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wolves Nagar Kirtan

Wolves Nagar Kirtan..

Wolves Nagar Kirtan was as wicked as always this year. This has to be the best Nagar Kirtan around this area.

Just take the A312..

Just take the A312..

Went down to London on Saturday (30/04/05) and it turned out to be a wicked day. It was pretty straight forward getting there until we came to the A312.. It seems that to get anywhere down there you need to take the A312 and so its simply a case of guessing which A312 to take (we had to take it to get to Hounslow, then again to go towards Hayes, and again when going towards Southall..). Went down to Akhand Jaap 8, it’s a really good idea and the turnout for it was pretty good. The slot between 12.15 and 1.00 was really good :-D in fact that’s what I went down for.

Met Himmat, Gurpreet Penj and Gurps down there and ended up having a really good time. Went and checked out the Sikh school in Hayes and to my surprise it turned out to be more than a shed! To be honest it’s well impressive.. We gate crashed someone’s Karmai thing and had Langar there.

Also went and checked out that massive Gurdwara at Havelock Rd. It’s an amazingly big building and has some good features such as underground parking and notices telling women to look after their ‘paras[an]’ but on the whole it seemed like an empty shell to me. It has the potential to be something amazing yet nothing hit me as I walked. Maharaaj’s presence makes up for the lack of atmosphere though.

One weird thing there though the mini ‘Akhand Paath cubicle’ things where there are people in little boxes on display doing Paath’s, it kind of takes away the point of having a Akhand Paath. In the past people said there’s no point in having an Akhand Paath it you’re not going to do it yourself but at least people got to hear the Paath being done. In those boxes its like there is a Paath being done yet no one can hear it or anything, kind of defies the point in my opinion..
As it was a hot day, my sister and I decided to get a drink from the Langar hall (which reminded me of a canteen) and we had ribena in plastic mugs that was extremely watered down (we may have pulled a few faces whilst drinking it). So as I walked towards where you leave the used utensils a lady walked up to us and said ‘don’t bother drinking your tea if you don’t like it, don’t know who made it anyway’ which was really funny as we weren’t even drinking tea, unless tea down there is meant to be purple!
While this was going on Gurps had gone to put his shoes on, and as we had not come out he came into the Langar hall looking for us and was complaining about how long we were taking, so we went off to put our shoes on, but I thought it would be funny to go back into the Langar hall and sit there until he came looking again. So Penj, my sister and I went back in and sat there waiting for him. A few minutes later in walked Gurps looking abit shocked and annoyed (sorry Gurps..) and as we saw him we all turned and waved, have to say it was one of the best moments of the day.

Went back to Martindale Gurdwara Sahib after that and chilled there for a while. We went into a room around the back at one point where a guy was playing his sitar and Gurps was playing the tabla with him, they were both was really good.. Then Penj gave us a few lines from a Shabad (Hae Gobi(n)dh Hae Gopaal) and played the theme tune from the Rugrats which was all brilliant..
After that we had Langar, said our goodbyes to everyone (dropped Gurps off at home and met his parents) and headed off back home to Wolves (aka SATYUG).