this 'n that™

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Congrats Penj! Wooo!

Ps, awwww & wicked :p

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I'm redecorating my room – see you in a week..

Monday, October 17, 2005

Everyone else is good

kabeer sabh thae ham burae ham thaj bhalo sabh koe
jin aisaa kar boojhiaa meeth hamaaraa soe 7

Monday, October 10, 2005


Ok, I just took this test and I’ve done pretty well in this one,

You got 9 right! (out of 10)
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.

Hmm, which one do I believe?!

Computer 'Geekiness '

I just took a ‘Are you a Nerd’ test and this is what it had to say about me,

Your computer geekiness is:

Definitely not a computer geek. You probably don't even know what a computer is. Say it with me COM-PU-TER.

I’ve always known that I don’t know much when it comes to PC’s but I didn’t think I was that bad lol..

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Thin line

In a conversation I recently had someone said ‘don’t you think there’s a thin line between ‘being nice’ and being ‘too accepting’ the later which results in being walked over?’

Hmm, I don’t know.. Can the people one loves and respects walk over them? Is being walked over for one person what another sees as simply accepting what happens (ie bhana)?


Friday, October 07, 2005

One Lord alone

Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

My friendship is with the One Lord alone; I am in love with the One Lord alone.
The Lord is my only friend; my companionship is with the One Lord alone.
My conversation is with the One Lord alone; He never frowns, or turns His face away.
He alone knows the state of my soul; He never ignores my love.
He is my only counselor, all-powerful to destroy and create.
The Lord is my only Giver. He places His hand upon the heads of the generous in the world.
I take the Support of the One Lord alone; He is all-powerful, over the heads of all.
The Saint, the True Guru, has united me with the Lord. He placed His hand on my forehead.
The Guru led me to meet the greatest Lord and Master; He saved the whole world.
The desires of the mind are fulfilled; I have attained my pre-destined Union with God.
Nanak has obtained the True Name; He enjoys the enjoyments forever. 1

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


My new car,

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Sarcasm - 'one of those insults that are so stunningly well put that your victim rarely realises it's happened'.

Came across that description today and its wicked, sarcasm has often been described as the lowest form of wit but I love it lol..(I’m only sarcy with people I like though, no point in wasting it on just anyone lol).

Monday, October 03, 2005


I had a pretty bad headache on Thursday and since then I’ve had an ongoing headache and its still aching now.

Hmm this can’t be good..

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Who can I tell?

dhaekh fareedhaa j thheeaa sakar hoee vis
saa(n)ee baajhahu aapanae vaedhan keheeai kis 10

See, Fareed, what has happened: sugar has become poison.
Without my Lord, who can I tell of my sorrow? 10