this 'n that™

Thursday, April 27, 2006

JapJi Sahib

The JapJi Sahib - now thats something..

Friday, April 21, 2006


OK! OK! Ok ok ok!

Friday, April 14, 2006


Happy Vaisakhi to everyone, hope you all have a good one.

+9 :-)

pourree ||
mil naaree sathasa(n)g ma(n)gal gaaveeaa ||
ghar kaa hoaa ba(n)dhhaan bahurr n dhhaaveeaa ||
binat(h)ee dhuramath dhurath soe koorraaveeaa ||
seelava(n)th paradhhaan ridhai sachaaveeaa ||
a(n)thar baahar eik eik reethaaveeaa ||
man dharasan kee piaas charan dhaasaaveeaa ||
sobhaa banee seegaar khasam jaa(n) raaveeaa ||
mileeaa aae sa(n)jog jaa(n) this bhaaveeaa ||15||

Meeting the Lord's brides, in the True Congregation, I sing the songs of joy.
The home of my heart is now held steady, and I shall not go out wandering again.
Evil-mindedness has been dispelled, along with sin and my bad reputation.
I am well-known as being calm and good-natured; my heart is filled with Truth.
Inwardly and outwardly, the One and only Lord is my way.
My mind is thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. I am a slave at His feet.
I am glorified and embellished, when my Lord and Master enjoys me.
I meet Him through my blessed destiny, when it is pleasing to His Will. ||15||

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nagar Kirtan Video

Willenhall Nagar Kirtan 2006

We had our annual Nagar Kirtan today; it was as good as always with some rain-snow-hail thrown in. It was worth getting drenched lol.

Second Mehl:
Paying a fine under pressure, does not bring either merit or goodness.
That alone is a good deed, O Nanak, which is done by one's own free will. ||3||

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I watched this film a couple of months ago and I was surprised as it’s really good. I had decided to get it as it’s my cousin’s favourite Dilip Kumar film, and I was surprised at how good the film turned out. Its one of those film that has a light storyline but has plenty of comedy which makes the film what it is.

Next on my to watch list is Barsaat Ki Raat.