this 'n that™

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Walsall Camp

Wallsall Gurmat Camp kicks off this Sunday.

This year has flown by so fast, I can't believe its almost August, where is the time going?

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Its soooooo hot today, I thought it was bad yesterday but I wasn’t expecting it to be so hot today.. Close family friends have an Akhand Paath this weekend at our local Gurdwara Sahib and its going to be madly hot. Hot hot hot..

Pirates of the Caribbean

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean (Dead Man’s Chest) last night and I have to say its good. It did not seem as good as the first one but I think I’ll have to watch it before I can be sure.

Jack Sparrow is a fantastic character and the rest of the crew were good too, if you haven’t seen it yet then make sure you catch it on the big screen.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Langar – 10/07/2006

The Langar on Sunday was absolutely fantastic. There was a massive turnout in the evening to listen to Kirtan by Bibi Baljeet Kaur Khalsa and Bhai Sadhu Singh Ji.

We spent all day cooking; we made matia, jalebi’s, marunda, saag, dal/sabji and more. It was a hot day and so it was a mission getting everything done without passing out.

It was nice to get together with all my family and friends, it was a incredible day - one I won’t forget any time soon..

Little Chef :-)