this 'n that™

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hearing the Name

pourree ||
naae suniai such sa(n)jamo jam naerr n aavai ||
naae suniai ghatt chaananaa aanhaer gavaavai ||
naae suniai aap bujheeai laahaa naao paavai ||
naae suniai paap katteeahi niramal sach paavai ||
naanak naae suniai mukh oujalae naao guramukh dhhiaavai ||8||

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Paintballing - 14/10/06

Some photo’s from when I went paintballing yesterday with my siblings. We had a really good time but changi tarna kutt kadhi at the same time. I have so many bruises from being shot with the paintballs but I so can’t wait to go again lol.

Friday, October 13, 2006

'The Brain Test'

I spent the last 5 minutes going through ‘The Brain Test’ and this is what it had to say about me..

Inderjit, you are Right-brained.

Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.

People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganised; it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by colour). Straight alphabetisation and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behaviour.

You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction to non-fiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.

Hmm ok..

Monday, October 09, 2006

Re: Why?

Just yesterday I made a post about how I don’t know why I bother, well today I got my answer without even having to actively look. In fact I got two answers; one was to why I bother and the other was the fact that I got an answer..

thaerae kavan kavan gun kehi kehi gaavaa thoo saahib gunee nidhhaanaa ||
Which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I sing and recount, Lord? You are my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I read this somewhere and it seemed to describe how I feel,

Recently I've been feeling a little under whelmed with things in general. Disconnected. Floating head syndrome. Not unpleasant, not pleasant. Just dead. Grey. Flat.

I don’t want to feel like this, but nothing seems to shake it off. Sometimes I don’t know why I bother - but at the same time I do know, but just don’t know why I bother sometimes..

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wake up call..

Yesterday was the Antam Sanskar (last rights) of Bhai Harvinder Singh and Bhai Satvir Singh, (Bhai Tajinder Singh's will be taking place in India). There was a massive turnout at Sedgley Street Gurdwara Sahib.

This is such a wakeup call for all of us, we have so much to achieve and so little time to do it in..

‘Hundreds of people have gathered to show their respect for three friends who drowned in the Lake District.

Two schools closed and many mourners flew in from India for a service to commemorate Harvinder Singh, 15, Satvir Singh, 17, and Tajinder Singh, 21.

The trio, from Wolverhampton, died during a weekend break with a martial arts group in Ullswater, Cumbria.

They were paddling on 23 September when one of them slipped and the other two got into difficulties when helping.’

sooraj kiran milae jal kaa jal hooaa raam ||
The rays of light merge with the sun, and water merges with water.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

eternal peace

kabeer sookh n eae(n)eh jug karehi j bahuthai meeth ||
jo chith raakhehi eaek sio thae sukh paavehi neeth ||21||

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Q's & A's

Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:

Come, O friends: let us meet together and enjoy all the tastes and flavors.
Let us join together and chant the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and so wipe away our sins. ||1||

Reflect upon the essence of reality, O Saintly beings, and no troubles shall afflict you.

All of the thieves shall be destroyed, as the Gurmukhs remain wakeful. ||1||Pause||

Take wisdom and humility as your supplies, and burn away the poison of pride.
True is that shop, and perfect the transaction; deal only in the merchandise of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

They alone are accepted and approved, who dedicate their souls, bodies and wealth.
Those who are pleasing to their God, celebrate in happiness. ||3||

Those fools, who drink in the wine of evil-mindedness, become the husbands of prostitutes.
But those who are imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, O Nanak, are intoxicated with the Truth. ||4||12||114||

Panaa 399

Nishaan Sahib Seva @ GNG Willenhall

Nishaan Sahib Seva on 24/09/06 at Willenhall Gurdwara Sahib.