this 'n that™

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cousin’s Wedding – Leeds

My cousin got married last weekend up in Leeds. We had an amazing time up there, it was nice to get everyone together and just have a good time. Here’s some pictures of my cousins ‘choora’ and one of the Lavan, I can’t add many more pictures (took 200+) as I don’t know if people want to see themselves online..

As always at any wedding where we’re close to the bride, we plan to nick the groom’s shoes and this wedding was no exception. The guy recognised me when he first saw me that morning and so we realised that I couldn’t follow him around as it was too suss so we sent my little cousins on a mission to keep an eye on him. As the guy went to go into the Diwan Hall my other cousin and I happened to be standing outside across the hall and he saw us and kind of clocked on that we were up to something (even though technically us two were not as we knew he’d recognised us earlier) and so they hid his shoes in a cupboard close to where everyone left their shoes. From across the hall as they walked in the hall I saw a pair of cream mohjeh on the stand and got all excited as we thought we’d be able to take his shoes. When we walked over they were some women’s shoes and we were totally gutted. After feeling bad for about 5 minutes we decided to have a look around and the first place we looked was a cupboard nearby and the shoes were there (!!!). As I swiftly walked away with the shoes I was buzzing. Word had got back to the bride and the other girls that we’d not been able to get the shoes and then I walked into the room with everyone there with them and a cheer went off, then we went off to stash the shoes in my car.

After the Lavan when we went over to give pyaar to my cousin and the groom, my other cousin said ‘we have a surprise for you’ to the groom and he looked abit startled, as he didn’t even know who she was. The surprise was that we’d obviously taken his shoes and left him a pair of flip-flops. I have to say the best part of all that was walking into the room full of my cousins and a cheer going off when they saw we have his shoes.


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