this 'n that™

Monday, November 07, 2005


Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

If I forget You, then everyone becomes my enemy. When You come to mind, then they serve me.
I do not know any other at all, O True, Invisible, Inscrutable Lord. 1
When You come to mind, You are always merciful to me; what can the poor people do to me?
Tell me, who should I call good or bad, since all beings are Yours? 1Pause
You are my Shelter, You are my Support; giving me Your hand, You protect me.
That humble being, upon whom You bestow Your Grace, is not touched by slander or suffering. 2
That is peace, and that is greatness, which is pleasing to the mind of the Dear Lord God.
You are all-knowing, You are forever compassionate; obtaining Your Name, I revel in it and make merry. 3
I offer my prayer to You; my body and soul are all Yours.
Says Nanak, this is all Your greatness; no one even knows my name. 41049


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