this 'n that™

Friday, December 30, 2005


This year has been such a let down. Nothing much has happened and the year has come and gone before I got round to doing anything. There have been a couple of good things that have happened but on the whole I feel as though I have wasted most of it.

I still need to complete my coursework for my MSc, I need to get a job and most importantly get back on track ‘Sikhi’ wise.

Having said all that I’m still grateful and thankful for everything Maharaaj has sent my way.

Hopefully next year will see me completing my MSc and getting a lot more done, challo lets wait and see what happens..

salok ma 5
praem pattolaa thai sehi dhithaa dtakan koo path maeree
dhaanaa beenaa saaee maiddaa naanak saar n jaanaa thaeree 1

Shalok, Fifth Mehl:
O Husband Lord, You have given me the silk gown of Your Love to cover and protect my honor.
You are all-wise and all-knowing, O my Master; Nanak: I have not appreciated Your value, Lord. 1

Thursday, December 29, 2005


It’s so cold at the moment. Its been snowing and its been icy all day today. Took these photos today in the garden.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


'You must stop fearing for your future and move ahead without asking yourself unnecessarily troublesome questions.'

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Congratulations to Gurpreet Kaur Jaskamal Singh on their nuptials, all the best to you guys :-)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Oh well

Didn't get it..

Monday, December 19, 2005

Wake up!

Tilang, Ninth Mehl:
Wake up, O mind! Wake up! Why are you sleeping unaware?
That body, which you were born with, shall not go along with you in the end. 1Pause
Mother, father, children and relatives whom you love,
will throw your body into the fire, when your soul departs from it. 1
Your worldly affairs exist only as long as you are alive; know this well.
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; everything is like a dream. 22

Friday, December 16, 2005


Kabeer, why kill yourself for your love of decorations of your home and mansion?
In the end, only six feet, or a little more, shall be your lot. 218

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Interview tomorrow..

ma 1
kudharath dhisai kudharath suneeai kudharath bho sukh saar
kudharath paathaalee aakaasee kudharath sarab aakaar
kudharath vaedh puraan kathaebaa kudharath sarab veechaar
kudharath khaanaa peenaa painhan kudharath sarab piaar
kudharath jaathee jinasee ra(n)gee kudharath jeea jehaan
kudharath naekeeaa kudharath badheeaa kudharath maan abhimaan
kudharath poun paanee baisa(n)thar kudharath dhharathee khaak
sabh thaeree kudharath thoo(n) kaadhir karathaa paakee naaee paak
naanak hukamai a(n)dhar vaekhai varathai thaako thaak 2

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam

I said in my last post that I’ve not been able to get hold of this film, only to later walk into a shop and find it’s on sale.

The film is amazing, it’s so well made and the acting is incredible. There’s no around today who can act anywhere close to the performances in this film. There’s a couple of really good songs in the film which I like because of the lyrics more than the way they have been sung though the situations in which they are sung are amazing.

Overall this is one of those films that many people haven’t heard off or seen, but those who have seen it agree that its one of the best films to ever come out of Bollywood.

Next on my to see list is Baiju Bawra.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Umrao Jaan

I finally watched Umrao Jaan last week and I think the film is such a let down. I was expecting a lot from it as I’d heard a lot of good about it but there’s really not much going on in the film. The songs are really good and like usual I ended up liking one I’d never heard before most. Over all even though the film is ok it’s a let down personally as I expected a lot more from it.

Next on my ‘to watch list’ is Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam, I’ve been trying to get hold of this for a while now so I’m not holding my breath lol.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A week today

I have an interview a week from today. I’m looking forward to but I’m also nervous about it.. Challo lets see what happens..

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


naamaa maaeiaa mohiaa kehai thilochan meeth
kaahae shheepahu shhaaeilai raam n laavahu cheeth .212.
naamaa kehai thilochanaa mukh thae raam sa(n)mhaal
haathh paao kar kaam sabh cheeth nira(n)jan naal .213.

Trilochan says, O Naam Dayv, Maya has enticed you, my friend.
Why are you printing designs on these sheets, and not focusing your consciousness on the Lord? .212.
Naam Dayv answers, O Trilochan, chant the Lord's Name with your mouth.
With your hands and feet, do all your work, but let your consciousness remain with the Immaculate Lord. .213.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Jassnaam’s first photo..

Jassnaam’s first photo’s taken a short time after she was born..


Thursday, December 01, 2005

dhar ma(n)gath

dhar ma(n)gath jaachai dhaan har dheejai kirapaa kar
guramukh laehu milaae jan paavai naam har
anehadh sabadh vajaae jothee joth dhhar
hiradhai har gun gaae jai jai sabadh har
jag mehi varathai aap har saethee preeth kar 15