this 'n that™

Friday, December 30, 2005


This year has been such a let down. Nothing much has happened and the year has come and gone before I got round to doing anything. There have been a couple of good things that have happened but on the whole I feel as though I have wasted most of it.

I still need to complete my coursework for my MSc, I need to get a job and most importantly get back on track ‘Sikhi’ wise.

Having said all that I’m still grateful and thankful for everything Maharaaj has sent my way.

Hopefully next year will see me completing my MSc and getting a lot more done, challo lets wait and see what happens..

salok ma 5
praem pattolaa thai sehi dhithaa dtakan koo path maeree
dhaanaa beenaa saaee maiddaa naanak saar n jaanaa thaeree 1

Shalok, Fifth Mehl:
O Husband Lord, You have given me the silk gown of Your Love to cover and protect my honor.
You are all-wise and all-knowing, O my Master; Nanak: I have not appreciated Your value, Lord. 1


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