this 'n that™

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind..


  • Interesting question. What are your views about it???

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/04/2006 3:45 pm  

  • hmmmmm...pretty deep subject...but how can "merciful" on one hand be "merciless" on another? Is it like being merciful in a particular situation to a specific person versus being cruel to another person in a totally different situation? Coz if thats the deal, then the 2 are in 2 different contexts, don't you think?

    I am just saying stuff from the top of my head...dont mind

    ~ Mehtab Singh

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 11:21 am  

  • I think I may agree with it to some extent. Some situations may require that you act harsh in order to get a point across to someone. Its not that you are being mean, its just that that’s the only means left to try and make someone see something..

    By Blogger indi.kaur™, at 7/12/2006 10:17 am  

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