this 'n that™

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


If you get wrapped up in what isn't going right, you will never have enough time to appreciate all the wonderful things that are working out.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Naam Ras Rehansbhai

The event is the first Naam Ras Rehansbhai. This is to begin at 7pm sharp on Saturday 2nd September 2006 at Gurdwara Nanaksar Thath Isher Darbaar in Wolverhampton. There will be continuous keertan and simran being sung until 6am the following morning on Sunday 3rd September, which will include Asa Di Vaar keertan.

Nanaksar Thath Isher Darbar
Mander Street
WV3 0JZ.

I can’t wait for this; it’s going to be fantastic. Not only are there going to be some excellent people doing Kirtan but my favourite Kirtanee’s will be there too. Woo!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

so prabh thaj moorrae kath jaae

Raag Gond, Fifth Mehla, Chau-Paday, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
He fashioned the soul and the breath of life,
and infused His Light into the dust;
He exalted you and gave you everything to use, and food to eat and enjoy
- how can you forsake that God, you fool! Where else will you go? ||1||
Commit yourself to the service of the Transcendent Lord.
Through the Guru, one understands the Immaculate, Divine Lord. ||1||Pause||
He created plays and dramas of all sorts;
He creates and destroys in an instant;
His state and condition cannot be described.
Meditate forever on that God, O my mind. ||2||
The unchanging Lord does not come or go.
His Glorious Virtues are infinite; how many of them can I count?
His treasure is overflowing with the rubies of the Name.
He gives Support to all hearts. ||3||
The Name is the True Primal Being;
millions of sins are washed away in an instant, singing His Praises.
The Lord God is your best friend, your playmate from earliest childhood.
He is the Support of the breath of life; O Nanak, He is love, He is consciousness. ||4||1||3||

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


- Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance.

Hmm, that’s so true. Even though I tend take ages to get to know people there have been times when I have come across people whom I’ve not known long but it feels as though I’ve known them forever. Hmm..

Monday, August 21, 2006

He has become merciful to me

bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
gur pooraa aaraadhhiaa hoeae kirapaal ||
maarag sa(n)th bathaaeiaa thoottae jam jaal ||1||
dhookh bhookh sa(n)saa mittiaa gaavath prabh naam ||
sehaj sookh aana(n)dh ras pooran sabh kaam ||1|| rehaao ||
jalan bujhee seethal bheae raakhae prabh aap ||
naanak prabh saranaagathee jaa kaa vadd parathaap ||2||11||75||

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Kara's, Kirpans & more..

Click the pics for larger images.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

It’s done!

I’ve finally completed all my projects for my Masters. For any of you who know how long I’ve been going at it (well not really or I would have finished it ages ago lol) know what an achievement this is.

Now its time to celebrate – or I might just wait until get I my results to start celebrating lol..

Friday, August 11, 2006

gur pooreh maeree raakh lee

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord

saarag mehalaa 5 ||
nibehee naam kee sach khaep ||
laabh har gun gaae nidhh dhhan bikhai maahi alaep ||1|| rehaao ||
jeea ja(n)th sagal sa(n)thokhae aapanaa prabh dhhiaae ||
rathan janam apaar jeethiou bahurr jon n paae ||1||
bheae kirapaal dhaeiaal gobidh bhaeiaa saadhhoo sa(n)g ||
har charan raas naanak paaee lagaa prabh sio ra(n)g ||2||93||116||

Tuesday, August 08, 2006



(You know who you are :p)

Gurmat Camp 2006

Lots of you guys have been asking for info on what camp was like etc so here goes..

What can I say but that it was a fantastic week. Most of the Sewadars from last year turned up again and we had some new faces that I got to know over the week. As far as camp goes this year was brilliant, it seems to be getting better year after year, which is what we want.

So much happened over the week, most of it I can’t put into words, as it’s hard to express feelings and emotions in words. I met some fantastic people from who I learnt a lot, it’s amazing how much you can pick up and learn via conversations. All I can say is that Maharaaj is amazing.

I know I haven't gone into much detail but like I said, somethings are hard to put into words..

I made some recordings throughout the week that I have uploaded and are available to download, just click the link and save them.

Dhan Guru Nanak – Kulwant Singh Ji

gur poorai maeree raakh lee - Kulwant Singh Ji

kaahae man thoo ddolathaa - Kulwant Singh Ji

Chaupai Sahib – Kulwant Singh Ji

Anand Sahib - Kulwant Singh Ji

Simran – Baldip Singh

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Camp was absolutely fantastic though it went by way to fast. I leant loads like every year, had some funky experiences and met some fantastic people. I've only been home half a day and I miss it already..

Roll on camp next year..