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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Gurmat Camp 2006

Lots of you guys have been asking for info on what camp was like etc so here goes..

What can I say but that it was a fantastic week. Most of the Sewadars from last year turned up again and we had some new faces that I got to know over the week. As far as camp goes this year was brilliant, it seems to be getting better year after year, which is what we want.

So much happened over the week, most of it I can’t put into words, as it’s hard to express feelings and emotions in words. I met some fantastic people from who I learnt a lot, it’s amazing how much you can pick up and learn via conversations. All I can say is that Maharaaj is amazing.

I know I haven't gone into much detail but like I said, somethings are hard to put into words..

I made some recordings throughout the week that I have uploaded and are available to download, just click the link and save them.

Dhan Guru Nanak – Kulwant Singh Ji

gur poorai maeree raakh lee - Kulwant Singh Ji

kaahae man thoo ddolathaa - Kulwant Singh Ji

Chaupai Sahib – Kulwant Singh Ji

Anand Sahib - Kulwant Singh Ji

Simran – Baldip Singh


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