sorat(h) mehalaa 3 ||
bin sathigur saevae bahuthaa dhukh laagaa jug chaarae bharamaaee ||
ham dheen thum jug jug dhaathae sabadhae dhaehi bujhaaee ||1||
har jeeo kirapaa karahu thum piaarae ||
sathigur dhaathaa mael milaavahu har naam dhaevahu aadhhaarae || rehaao ||
manasaa maar dhubidhhaa sehaj samaanee paaeiaa naam apaaraa ||
har ras chaakh man niramal hoaa kilabikh kaattanehaaraa ||2||
sabadh marahu fir jeevahu sadh hee thaa fir maran n hoee ||
a(n)mrith naam sadhaa man meet(h)aa sabadhae paavai koee ||3||
dhaathai dhaath rakhee hathh apanai jis bhaavai this dhaeee ||
naanak naam rathae sukh paaeiaa dharageh jaapehi saeee ||4||11||
Sorat'h, Third Mehla:
Without serving the True Guru, he suffers in terrible pain, and throughout the four ages, he wanders aimlessly.
I am poor and meek, and throughout the ages, You are the Great Giver - please, grant me the understanding of the Shabad. ||1||
O Dear Beloved Lord, please show mercy to me.
Unite me in the Union of the True Guru, the Great Giver, and give me the support of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
Conquering my desires and duality, I have merged in celestial peace, and I have found the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord.
I have tasted the sublime essence of the Lord, and my soul has become immaculately pure; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||2||
Dying in the Word of the Shabad, you shall live forever, and you shall never die again.
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is ever-sweet to the mind; but how few are those who obtain the Shabad. ||3||
The Great Giver keeps His Gifts in His Hand; He gives them to those with whom He is pleased.
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they find peace, and in the Court of the Lord, they are exalted. ||4||11||
bin sathigur saevae bahuthaa dhukh laagaa jug chaarae bharamaaee ||
ham dheen thum jug jug dhaathae sabadhae dhaehi bujhaaee ||1||
har jeeo kirapaa karahu thum piaarae ||
sathigur dhaathaa mael milaavahu har naam dhaevahu aadhhaarae || rehaao ||
manasaa maar dhubidhhaa sehaj samaanee paaeiaa naam apaaraa ||
har ras chaakh man niramal hoaa kilabikh kaattanehaaraa ||2||
sabadh marahu fir jeevahu sadh hee thaa fir maran n hoee ||
a(n)mrith naam sadhaa man meet(h)aa sabadhae paavai koee ||3||
dhaathai dhaath rakhee hathh apanai jis bhaavai this dhaeee ||
naanak naam rathae sukh paaeiaa dharageh jaapehi saeee ||4||11||
Sorat'h, Third Mehla:
Without serving the True Guru, he suffers in terrible pain, and throughout the four ages, he wanders aimlessly.
I am poor and meek, and throughout the ages, You are the Great Giver - please, grant me the understanding of the Shabad. ||1||
O Dear Beloved Lord, please show mercy to me.
Unite me in the Union of the True Guru, the Great Giver, and give me the support of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
Conquering my desires and duality, I have merged in celestial peace, and I have found the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord.
I have tasted the sublime essence of the Lord, and my soul has become immaculately pure; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||2||
Dying in the Word of the Shabad, you shall live forever, and you shall never die again.
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is ever-sweet to the mind; but how few are those who obtain the Shabad. ||3||
The Great Giver keeps His Gifts in His Hand; He gives them to those with whom He is pleased.
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they find peace, and in the Court of the Lord, they are exalted. ||4||11||
You got that right ;)
By Anonymous, at 9/02/2006 8:41 am
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