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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Everything is in His hands

I was just talking to someone about something and I didn’t know what to say to them so I took a random Shabad from sikhitothemax and the following Shabad came up,

kabeer jo mai chithavo naa karai kiaa maerae chithavae hoe
apanaa chithaviaa har karai jo maerae chith n hoe 219

Kabeer, whatever I wish for does not happen. What can I accomplish by merely thinking?
The Lord does whatever He wishes; it is not up to me at all. 219

It kind of answered everything that was being discussed and it made me think about how true it is. Everything is in His hands, and whatever He does is much better for us than anything we could imagine for ourselves, its simply a case of understanding and accepting what Bhagat Kabeer Ji has said. That is something which is much easier said than done.


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