this 'n that™

Monday, August 01, 2005


Wednesday morning the kids had workshops on ‘The Importance of Kes’ and ‘Fake Guru’s’.

After that afternoon activities were all about bouncy castle style games. The kids all loved it and had a pretty good time.

This game was fun, there were two people strapped on either side of that yellow block and as they ran they pulled the other towards the block, the idea of the game was to get all their Velcro pieces from one end to the other, but as there was someone tugging on the rope the other side, it made it interesting and fun to watch.

Rugby game – this game was like a mini assault course based on rugby. The kids had to get from one side to the other whilst going through the various parts.

Bouncy castle

Shooting Game - i
n this game the aim was to fire at cans and bottles and knock over as many as possible.

Velcro Wall - this had to be one of the most entertaining things to do there. The kids had to put on Velcro suits and then jump onto a Velcro wall and the suits stuck to the wall. There were some pretty acrobatic kids there..

Velcro Wall


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