Happy New Year
goojaree mehalaa 5
jan kee paij savaaree aap
har har naam dheeou gur avakhadhh outhar gaeiou sabh thaap 1 rehaao
harigobi(n)dh rakhiou paramaesar apunee kirapaa dhhaar
mittee biaadhh sarab sukh hoeae har gun sadhaa beechaar 1
a(n)geekaar keeou maerai karathai gur poorae kee vaddiaaee
abichal neev dhharee gur naanak nith nith charrai savaaee 21524
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:
The Lord Himself has protected the honor of His humble servant.
The Guru has given the medicine of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, and all afflictions are gone. 1Pause
The Transcendent Lord, in His Mercy, has preserved Har Gobind.
The disease is over, and there is joy all around; we ever contemplate the Glories of God. 1
My Creator Lord has made me His own; such is the glorious greatness of the Perfect Guru.
Guru Nanak laid the immovable foundation, which grows higher and higher each day. 21524
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