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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sikhi vs The Matrix

I was recently talking to some Sikhs and one of them was talking about the film 'The Matrix' and as the conversation progressed it seemed as though the film has a deep philosophical aspect to it and after listening to a Singh talk about it I also agree. Here's my take on how its linked to sikhi..

The Matrix is like Kalyug. It feeds from the brains of humans (or whatever else it feeds of, can't remember) and us as humans on this earth are in essence in a matrix, kalyug represents the matrix and kalyug is feeding from us. The more we give into the 5 vices (kaam, krodh etc) the stronger this kalyug matrix becomes... When a person who has done their

Paath/Bhagti/Simran is blessed with salvation (may not be the best word to use but can't think of another one ) they like Neo in the film they are able to leave the kalyug matrix. Now when this person is able to leave it, like Neo he/she is able to tell/inform other people how this is done much like the Sants and Mahapursh's who are present in our kalyug matrix. So in essence one liberated soul can show another one the way.

In the film, there are agents present who are there to stop people leaving the matrix, because as people leave it, that’s one less person, that the matrix can get energy/power from and there are agents to put a stop to this. In a similar way, in our kalyug matrix we have agents in the form of the 5 vices. They tempt you and more so that you won't leave the matrix.


gun samooh fal sagal manorathh pooran hoee aas hamaaree
All virtues are obtained, all fruits and rewards, and the desires of the mind; my hopes have been totally fulfilled.

aoukhadhh ma(n)thr tha(n)thr par dhukh har sarab rog kha(n)ddan gunakaaree
The Medicine, the Mantra, the Magic Charm, will cure all illnesses and totally take away all pain.

kaam krodhh madh mathasar thrisanaa binas jaahi har naam ouchaaree
Lust, anger, egotism, jealousy and desire are eliminated by chanting the Name of the Lord.

eisanaan dhaan thaapan such kiriaa charan kamal hiradhai prabh dhhaaree
The merits of cleansing baths, charity, penance, purity and good deeds, are obtained by enshrining the Lotus Feet of God within the heart.

saajan meeth sakhaa har ba(n)dhhap jeea dhhaan prabh praan adhhaaree
The Lord is my Friend, my Very Best Friend, Companion and Relative. God is the Sustenance of the soul, the Support of the breath of life.

outt gehee suaamee samarathheh naanak dhaas sadhaa balihaaree 9
I have grasped the Shelter and Support of my All-powerful Lord and Master; slave Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. 9

Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

'I dedicate this life to You'

Bhagat Ravidas Ji was pious and religious minded right from the beginning and thus came in contact with many spiritual men and adopted Swami Ramanand Ji as his Guru. Bhagat Ravidas Ji made his living as a cobbler. He distributed a major part of his income among the poor and needy.

There are 41 verses of Bhagat Ravidas in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Most of them are in very clear Hindi. His poetry is brimming with ardent love for God, Universe, Nature, Guru, and the Name. His sarcasm and pique shows his closeness with God.

I came across this Shabad by Bhagat Ravidas Ji,

dhhanaasaree bhagath ravidhaas jee kee
Dhanaasaree, Devotee Ravi Daas Jee:

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ham sar dheen dhaeiaal n thum sar ab patheeaar kiaa keejai
There is none as forlorn as I am, and none as Compassionate as You; what need is there to test us now?

bachanee thor mor man maanai jan ko pooran dheejai 1
May my mind surrender to Your Word; please, bless Your humble servant with this perfection. 1

ho bal bal jaao rameeaa kaaranae
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Lord.

kaaran kavan abol rehaao
O Lord, why are You silent? Pause

bahuth janam bishhurae thhae maadhho eihu janam thumhaarae laekhae
For so many incarnations, I have been separated from You, Lord; I dedicate this life to You.

kehi ravidhaas aas lag jeevo chir bhaeiou dharasan dhaekhae 21
Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. 21

The tuk shown in italics really made me think about why I am here. It goes to show that we have wondered for lifetimes and now through the grace of Guru Ji have this chance to really make a difference for ourselves. We have this chance to do some serious Kamai, to dedicate our lives to God and the path Guru Ji has shown us in order to help us break out of the bonds we have made for ourselves through our bad actions in countless lifetimes.

I beg Guru Ji to keep me at His charan.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My latest Shastar

I recently got this shastar directly from India. Its been produced by a company known as Victorinox who are well known for their Swiss Army knives.

It can be seen in these pics below, the key/key rings are there for a indication of sizes.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

My Lord Master is Merciful

Beautiful Shabad!

I came across this Shabad when someone pointed it out to me. I was basically going through a very testing time, one that I was finding hard to deal with and do anything about. One day a friend randomly gave me a link that was to this Shabad being sung by Bhai Niranjan Singh Ji. The tuks of the Shabad hit home in such a way that all of my worries dissolved away as the following tuk says 'Why do you waver, O mortal being? The Creator Lord Himself shall protect you'. From that day I have not worried about that problems that were plaguing me that the time.

I am always going to be grateful to the person who gave me the link to this Shabad so thanks Penj :). It was indirectly through this person that I came across the solution to my problem ‘jin oupaaee maedhanee soee karadhaa saar’.

Here is the Shabad, it is amazing,

thila(n)g mehalaa 5 ghar 3
Tilang, Fifth Mehl, Third House:

miharavaan saahib miharavaan
Merciful, the Lord Master is Merciful.

saahib maeraa miharavaan
My Lord Master is Merciful.

jeea sagal ko dhaee dhaan rehaao
He gives His gifts to all beings. Pause

thoo kaahae ddolehi praaneeaa thudhh raakhaigaa sirajanehaar
Why do you waver, O mortal being? The Creator Lord Himself shall protect you.

jin paidhaaeis thoo keeaa soee dhaee aadhhaar 1
He who created you, will also give you nourishment. 1

jin oupaaee maedhanee soee karadhaa saar
The One who created the world, takes care of it.

ghatt ghatt maalak dhilaa kaa sachaa paravadhagaar 2
In each and every heart and mind, the Lord is the True Cherisher. 2

kudharath keem n jaaneeai vaddaa vaeparavaahu
His creative potency and His value cannot be known; He is the Great and carefree Lord.

kar ba(n)dhae thoo ba(n)dhagee jichar ghatt mehi saahu 3
O human being, meditate on the Lord, as long as there is breath in your body. 3

thoo samarathh akathh agochar jeeo pi(n)dd thaeree raas
O God, You are all-powerful, inexpressible and imperceptible; my soul and body are Your capital.

reham thaeree sukh paaeiaa sadhaa naanak kee aradhaas 43
By Your Mercy, may I find peace; this is Nanak's lasting prayer. 43

Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj.

Guru Ji ang sang :-)

Whenever I’m having moments where I feel down, or its as thought things cannot get any worse, there’s a Shabad that always manages to cheer me up and comfort me, because there’s nothing better than being reminded that Guru Ji is always with me..

Here’s the Shabad,

aasaa ghar 7 mehalaa 5
Aasaa, Seventh House, Fifth Mehl:

har kaa naam ridhai nith dhhiaaee
Meditate continually on the Name of the Lord within your heart.

sa(n)gee saathhee sagal tharaa(n)ee 1
Thus you shall save all your companions and associates. 1

gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae
My Guru is always with me, near at hand.

simar simar this sadhaa samhaalae 1 rehaao
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, I cherish Him forever. 1Pause

thaeraa keeaa meet(h)aa laagai
Your actions seem so sweet to me.

har naam padhaarathh naanak maa(n)gai 24293
Nanak begs for the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. 24293

Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Eaek Thuee Eaek Thuee

You are my life You are my soul
It’s your existence that makes my life whole
With You is my strength You are my support
In Your memory dance my thoughts
Blessed with Your name my soul is alive
Don’t leave me for a second; I wont survive.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

This one time at Camp..

I thought I’d share something that happened..

I was at a Gurmat Camp and had just settled the girls in my group down for a talk on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. As I sat down with them, I leaned back against a wall and thought ‘I can rest for an hour now’ (lets say the girls in my group where lively and energetic at the best of times..).

Anyway as I sat back, the Phaji that was giving the talk started talking as I wondered off to dreamland… Then something the Phaji giving the talk said came through to me. Phaji was talking about death and how it could happen to anyone at any time. That no one can guarantee that they will be around when they are old and have lived their life so that they can turn religious then. Then Phaji said,

‘imagine your worst nightmare, that’s what death is
but many times worse’

now that comment hit me. I started to think, what am I doing, I have wasted my life, I have not done a small percentage of the Paath or Simran that I could have done. As my mind spun out of control about how gruesome death is going to be, I came back to planet earth and carried on listening to Phaji. He was now talking about Guru Granth Sahib Ji. About how Guru Ji is our living Guru and our friend, the only person who will be their for us no matter what. Listening to that bought a sense of relief to me, I was thinking Guru Ji knows I love Him, Guru Ji understands everything in life today etc basically making excuses for my lack of effort.

Just as Phaji was wrapping up his talk, he started to stress the fact that all we had to do was take one step towards Guru Ji and Guru Ji will takes many towards us, this gave me a warm sense of peace inside as Guru Ji had always been there for me and I could relate to what Phaji was saying.

As Phaji was saying this over and over I could see the kids were taking in what he was saying as on the whole the talk had given them some things to think about (death, Sikhi etc) and I thought to myself that this session has been productive.

Then all of a sudden the face of the Phaji giving the talk had an expression of shock and disbelief on it and all the kids sitting there saw it, we all turned back to look at what’s shocking him and he stood up and said,

‘All I said was we have to take one step towards Guru
Ji and He will come towards us, look Guru Ji has come to us Himself’

As we all looked round there was Guru Ji going past the room (the Gyani Ji was bringing Guru Ji Back from somewhere) and all the kids stood up to pay respect and I for one stood there in shock. The kids all looked at each other in disbelief at what had just happened.

As we walked away from that talk, I for one had experienced something that I feel changed my life. Later on that day when I spoke to the kids about the talk, they all had one thing to say, that it opened their eyes in one way or another and one of the girls said to me

‘We have always heard stories about the greatness of the Guru’s, today I feel as if I have experienced a miracle, Guru Ji came to me without me making a move I just can’t believe it that actually happened…’

And I sat there with a smile on my face thinking Guru Ji; you’re just too good…

Dhan Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj

Monday, January 17, 2005

Sangrand - Maagh

Thursday 13th January 2005 - Maagh.

Today is the first day of the month 'Maagh'. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj have in the their compilation 'Baarah Maahaa ~ The Twelve Months' written about each month of the year in which They have given a description of what we go through and what we should aim to do each month.

The Shabad for this month,

maagh majan sa(n)g saadhhooaa dhhoorree kar eisanaan
In the month of Maagh, let your cleansing bath be the dust of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

har kaa naam dhhiaae sun sabhanaa no kar dhaan
Meditate and listen to the Name of the Lord, and give it to everyone.

janam karam mal outharai man thae jaae gumaan
In this way, the filth of lifetimes of karma shall be removed, and egotistical pride shall vanish from your mind.

kaam karodhh n moheeai binasai lobh suaan
Sexual desire and anger shall not seduce you, and the dog of greed shall depart.

sachai maarag chaladhiaa ousathath karae jehaan
Those who walk on the Path of Truth shall be praised throughout the world.

at(h)asat(h) theerathh sagal pu(n)n jeea dhaeiaa paravaan
Be kind to all beings-this is more meritorious than bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage and the giving of charity.

jis no dhaevai dhaeiaa kar soee purakh sujaan
That person, upon whom the Lord bestows His Mercy, is a wise person.

jinaa miliaa prabh aapanaa naanak thin kurabaan
Nanak is a sacrifice to those who have merged with God.

What Guru Ji is saying is that let it be the dust of the Sangat which is the company of the Holy be your cleansing bath. We should try and meditate and listen to the Name of the Lord, and encourage others to do the same. It is by doing this that the filth that we accumulated over lifetimes will be washed away and ego and pride is removed from your mind. Other vices such as sexual desire, anger and greed will also leave you. Those who walk on the Path of Truth shall be praised throughout the world. Be kind to everyone as this is more commendable than bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage and the giving of charity. Guru Ji says that that person, upon whom the Lord bestows His Mercy, is a wise person and that Nanak is a sacrifice to those who have merged with God.

Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj.

Out & About 2004

10 April 2004
~ Wolves Rehnsabai

12 April 2004
~ Breathless Concert - Birmingham

09 June 2004
~ Thorpe Park – London

18 July 2004
~ Blackpool

25 July - 30 July 2004
~ Gurmat Camp - Walsall

21 August - 22 August 2004
~ Leeds Mission!

22 August 2004
~ Alton Towers

01 September 2004
~ 400 Years of Pehla Parkash (Atam Ras) - Wolves

09 September 2004
~ My Birthday & Baljit's Graduation

10 October 2004
~ Zee Mega Mela

21 November 2004
~ London Mission (Madame Tussauds/Central/London Eye)

06 December 2004
~ London Chill out Mission

'Such a Guru is found by great good fortune'

Last week I came across a Shabad, which is written by Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj. The Shabad is from Pannaa 803 and given below,

bilaaval mehalaa 5
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

bhoolae maarag jinehi bathaaeiaa
He places the one who strays back on the Path;

aisaa gur vaddabhaagee paaeiaa 1
such a Guru is found by great good fortune. 1

simar manaa raam naam chithaarae
Meditate, contemplate the Name of the Lord, O mind.

bas rehae hiradhai gur charan piaarae 1 rehaao
The Beloved Feet of the Guru abide within my heart. 1Pause

kaam krodhh lobh mohi man leenaa
The mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment.

ba(n)dhhan kaatt mukath gur keenaa 2
Breaking my bonds, the Guru has liberated me. 2

dhukh sukh karath janam fun mooaa
Experiencing pain and pleasure, one is born, only to die again.

charan kamal gur aasram dheeaa 3
The Lotus Feet of the Guru bring peace and shelter. 3

agan saagar booddath sa(n)saaraa
The world is drowning in the ocean of fire.

naanak baah pakar sathigur nisathaaraa 438
O Nanak, holding me by the arm, the True Guru has saved me. 438

The Shabad talks about contemplating on the Lord and various examples are given of how Guru Sahib Ji helps us in worldly situations. For example, how our minds are engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment (kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and hankar), and Guru Ji by breaking these bonds has liberated me from all this.

What really hit me about this particular Shabad was the following tuks (lines),

bhoolae maarag jinehi bathaaeiaa
He places the one who strays back on the Path;

aisaa gur vaddabhaagee paaeiaa 1
such a Guru is found by great good fortune. 1

Guru Sahib Ji is so compassionate, loving and forgiving that They put our strayed souls back on the right path, even though the only reason we have strayed in the first place is because of our own mistakes and ‘manmat’. We are extremely lucky to have found Guru Sahib Ji who no matter what helps gets and us back on the path. There are so many out there who are oblivious as to what Sikhi is about, who have no idea who our Guru Sahibs are and what They have done for us; for mankind. Those of us who do have Guru Ji in our lives are exceptionally lucky, because as Guru Arjan Dev Ji has said ‘such a Guru is found by great good fortune’.

This reminds me of an example of Guru Ji’s compassion is the Sakhi of the Chalih Mukte.

Forty of Guru Gobind Singh’s men deserted him at Anandpur. They were afraid to
die, afraid for their lives, desperate and starving. They were so concerned with their own survival, that they willing wrote and signed a letter denouncing their Guru. When they arrived home, rather than finding wives joyful for their return,
happy that they were alive, what did they find? Wives who were appalled that they had deserted Guru Gobind Singh. These 40 Sikhs were reunited with Guru Ji after He successfully escaped Chamkaur on 7 December 1705. After escaping from Chamkaur Guru Ji re-entered battle with the Mughals on 29 December 1705, where these 40 Sikhs entered battle with Guru Ji once again, under the auspicious leadership of Mai Bhago. All of these 40 Sikhs were martyred in the battle that ensued and one of these Singh’s named Bhai Maha(n) Singh asked Guru Ji to tear up the denunciation letter he had written in agreement with the other Singh’s, Guru Ji happily tore up the letter and named these 40 Sikh’s, the 40 Liberated Ones (Chaali Mukte). There was already a pool situated at this place where Guru Ji said the Singh’s had attained liberation, which was called ‘Khidrana da Tab’ or the pool of Khidrana, which was then renamed Muktsar, due to the heroics of the 40 Sikhs.

Guru Ji forgave even those who had left Them in a time of need, as the tuk says,

aisaa gur vaddabhaagee paaeiaa 1
such a Guru is found by great good fortune. 1

Sunday, January 16, 2005


My first post, a Hukamnama from Guru Sahib Ji..

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 52

sireeraag mehalaa 5
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

gur paramaesur poojeeai man than laae piaar
Worship the Guru, the Transcendent Lord, with your mind and body attuned to love.

sathigur dhaathaa jeea kaa sabhasai dhaee adhhaar
The True Guru is the Giver of the soul; He gives Support to all.

sathigur bachan kamaavanae sachaa eaehu veechaar
Act according to the Instructions of the True Guru; this is the true philosophy.

bin saadhhoo sa(n)gath rathiaa maaeiaa mohu sabh shhaar 1
Without being attuned to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all attachment to Maya is just dust. 1

maerae saajan har har naam samaal
O my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har

saadhhoo sa(n)gath man vasai pooran hovai ghaal 1 rehaao .
In the Saadh Sangat, He dwells within the mind, and one's works are brought to perfect fruition. 1Pause

gur samarathh apaar gur vaddabhaagee dharasan hoe
The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Infinite. By great good fortune, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is obtained.

gur agochar niramalaa gur jaevadd avar n koe
The Guru is Imperceptible, Immaculate and Pure. There is no other as great as the Guru.

gur karathaa gur karanehaar guramukh sachee soe
The Guru is the Creator, the Guru is the Doer. The Gurmukh obtains true glory.

gur thae baahar kishh nehee gur keethaa lorrae s hoe 2
Nothing is beyond the Guru; whatever He wishes comes to pass. 2

gur theerathh gur paarajaath gur manasaa pooranehaar
The Guru is the Sacred Shrine of Pilgrimage, the Guru is the Wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree.

gur dhaathaa har naam dhaee oudhharai sabh sa(n)saar
The Guru is the Fulfiller of the desires of the mind. The Guru is the Giver of the Name of the Lord, by which all the world is saved.

gur samarathh gur nira(n)kaar gur oochaa agam apaar
The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Formless; the Guru is Lofty, Inaccessible and Infinite.

gur kee mehimaa agam hai kiaa kathhae kathhanehaar 3
The Praise of the Guru is so sublime-what can any speaker say? 3

jitharrae fal man baashheeahi thitharrae sathigur paas
All the rewards which the mind desires are with the True Guru.

poorab likhae paavanae saach naam dhae raas
One whose destiny is so pre-ordained, obtains the Wealth of the True Name.

sathigur saranee aaeiaaa(n) baahurr nehee binaas
Entering the Sanctuary of the True Guru, you shall never die again.

har naanak kadhae n visaro eaehu jeeo pi(n)dd thaeraa saas 42999
Nanak: may I never forget You, Lord. This soul, body and breath are Yours. 42999

Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj.