this 'n that™

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Mool Mantar

By Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj.

I find this picture of Mool Mantar by Guru Ji fascinating, firstly because its by Maharaaj themselves and secondly because of the style of writing. I’ve recently taken up writing in calligraphy and have also tried writing in Punjabi; it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have a lot of respect for people like Bhai Mani Singh and Bhai Gurdas Ji who have written Pothi’s etc in larivaar, its takes a lot of concentration and dedication.

Another interesting thing about the way the Mool Mantar is written is how instead of having a ‘half stick’ for a kana, a dot is used instead and also how words are split when they happen to come end the end of the line. For example, at the end of the first line there is a papa from Purakh but the rest of the word of continued on the next line and the same goes for the word Ajoonee, the eara and jajha are on the 3rd line and the last letter in on the last.

Its an amazing picture.


  • This is an amazing picture indeed.
    Nice to read ur blog.
    Sat Sri Akal ...and yes it doesnt matter how you approch GOD whether spiriually or by following rituals all you need to have is faith and you will get there....
    I am not too much into religion but something about ur blog made me smile. Thanks

    By Blogger Narendra Rana, at 3/01/2006 12:50 am  

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