this 'n that™

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


It’s been a year (and 2 days lol) since we (my brother, sister, cousin bro and I) went to London for the day. It turned out being a really good day, we got so much done and managed to visit everywhere we wanted to go, and I think that only happened because Himmat was there to take us everywhere.

We started off at Madame Tussauds, which was really good, then Oxford Street where we met up with Himmat. We checked out the bigger shops there and then went to Leicester Square where we had lunch, checked out some more shops there and then went to Harrods. After that we went to the London Eye, which was a wicked way to finish the day. All in all it was a really good day out, and we had a good time talking about it 2 days ago. Its something we’ll definitely have to do again someday..

Good times..


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